Grooming: Plaiting

Grooming: Plaiting

35 products
    35 products
    Meet Quick Knot Deluxe® in White – the ultimate mane clip with a secure three-armed design for flawless, reusable plaits. Save time effortlessly!
    Black White Chestnut Brown
    Quick Knot Deluxe
    Image of Nags To Riches (NTR) Horse Plaiting Bands - 400 pieces, available in black, white and colourless.
    Black White Clear
    Nags To Riches Plaiting Bands
    Image of multiple reels of Hairy Pony Flat Waxed Plaiting Thread in various colours, including brown, chestnut, white and black.
    Image displaying 3x reels of Hair Pony Flat Waxed Plaiting Thread (in black, white and chestnut), attached to a Hairy Pony Plaiting Apron along with various other Hairy Pony deleted/products. All deleted/products featured in this photo are available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Black Brown White Chestnut
    Hairy Pony Flat Waxed Plaiting Thread
    Image of a bag of Gymkhana Rubber horse braiding bands. Available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Black Dark Brown Grey Gum +1
    Gymkhana Rubber Bands
    Nags To Riches Sculpting Stick
    Black Brown Chestnut Grey +1
    Mane Braid Rubber Bands 500
    Image of a container of Braid-Ettes braiding rubber bands, available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Black Brown Chestnut Natural +1
    Black Brown Natural
    Mane Braiding Thread with Needle
    Hi Shine Equine Liquid Silk Hair Polish Spray
    Hairy Pony Taming Wax
    Image of Nags to Riches Latch Hook - for putting in false tails and finishing off the perfect forelock braid.
    Nags To Riches Latch Hook
    Hairy Pony Straight Scissors
    Nags To Riches Quick Clamps
    Black Dark Brown Dark Chestnut Bright Chestnut +1
    Nags To Riches Plait Booster
    MP Plaitz Spray
    Hi Shine Equine Liquid Silk Hair Polish Serum
    from $33.95
    Example of the large comb from the Hairy Pony Make Sectioning Comb in use on a horse's mane. Comb available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Hairy Pony Mane Sectioning Comb
    Nags To Riches Whispaway
    Mane Braiding Kit
    Magictails Hair Hold
    Nags To Riches Plaiting Needles
    Image of Hairy Pony Thinning Scissors used for thinning a horse's mane. Available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Hairy Pony Thinning Scissors
    Hi Shine Q-Set Quarter Mark Spray
    from $22.95
    Nags To Riches Thread Cutter
    Nags To Riches Smooth Braids
    Image of a dark blue Braid Aid horse mane comb. Available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Braid Aid Comb
    Hairy Pony Braiding Mousse
    Hairy Pony Quarter Mark Horse Spray
    Black Natural
    Mane Braiding Thread Spool
    MP Plaitz Gel
    Blunt-Ended Plaiting Needles Assorted Sizes - Pack Of 9
    Hairy Pony Fastening Scissors
    Hairy Pony Stainless Steel Horse Plaiting Needles
    from $7.95
    Nags To Riches Active Control Cream

    Browse our range of high-quality tools and accessories designed to help up your plaiting game and create beautiful braids and intricate styles for your horse's mane. From braiding bands to styling wax and spray, we've got you covered.

    For some handy tips and tricks for horse mane plaiting, check out our blog post on Perfecting Your Plaits.