Grooming: Brushes

Grooming: Brushes

89 products
    89 products
    EasyGroomer by Equigroomer.  Colours: Assorted
    Equigroomer - Small 13cm or Large 23cm
    from $42.00
    Tiger's Tongue Sponge
    Slick 'N Easy Grooming Block
    Red Pink Orange Blue
    Kincade Easy Grooming Silicone Block
    Hands On Grooming Gloves
    Deluxe Hoof Pick
    Hairy Pony Straight Scissors
    Furminator for Horses
    The Shag - Wash/Drying Mitt
    Example of the large comb from the Hairy Pony Make Sectioning Comb in use on a horse's mane. Comb available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Hairy Pony Mane Sectioning Comb
    Epona Queen's Brush - Royal Mane & Tail Brush
    Hairy Pony Mane & Tail Brush
    Sheepskin Grooming Mit
    Grey Pink Purple Turquoise
    Showmaster Step-Up Tack Box
    Black Blue Purple Red
    Plastic Sweat Scraper
    Aluminium Pulling Comb and Hoof Pick
    Eurohunter Dandy Brush
    Rubber Curry Comb
    from $7.50
    Hairy Pony Flick Brush
    Shed 'n Blade
    Image of Hairy Pony Thinning Scissors used for thinning a horse's mane. Available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Hairy Pony Thinning Scissors
    Hairy Pony Cooper Hoof Pick
    Power Shower Sponge
    Showmaster Rainbow Crystal Hoof Pick
    Showmaster Rainbow Crystal Scraper
    Showmaster Rainbow Crystal Dandy Brush
    Loofah Shampoo Mitt
    Blue Purple Pink
    Eurohunter Grooming Box
    Eurohunter Plastic Sponge Brush
    Eurohunter Deluxe Body Brush
    Epona Flexible Glossy Groomer
    Body Brush with Velcro Hand Strap
    Blue Pink Alpine
    LeMieux Tangle Tidy Plus Mane & Tail Brush
    Hi Shine Equine Cool Groom Sports Towel
    Hairy Pony Quarter Mark Brush
    Hairy Pony Body Brush
    Hairy Pony Fake It Mane and Tail Enhancement - Pack of 5
    Hairy Pony Gold Sweat Scraper
    Image of a dark blue Braid Aid horse mane comb. Available to purchase from Saddleworld Dural.
    Braid Aid Comb
    Tiger's Tongue Scrubby Bath Cloth